
54 Expert Conversations

    54 Expert Conversations
    Multiple myeloma and gene expression profiling. Intraclonal heterogeneity. 4
    Multiple myeloma. Patient’s story: elderly woman and ‘last hope’ CAR T-cell therapy. 13
    Multiple myeloma. FAQ: Immunization, Vitamin D and bone health, quality of life. 12
    How to select drug combinations for multiple myeloma treatment? 7
    Multiple myeloma. Progress and challenges of treatment. 1
    Multiple myeloma. Minimal Residual Disease evaluation. Prognosis. 9
    Multiple myeloma and bone marrow microenvironment. ‘Seed and soil’ concept in cancer progression. 3
    Castleman Disease. Subtypes and treatment options. 10
    Autologous stem cell transplantation in multiple myeloma. 6
    Multiple myeloma. Risk stratification criteria to select the best treatment for each patient. 5
    Future in multiple myeloma treatment. When will it be a ‘curable disease’? 11
    Chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy in multiple myeloma. CAR T-cell immunotherapy. 8
    Multiple myeloma. Genetic changes. MGUS. Smoldering myeloma. 2
    Multiple myeloma. Message of hope for cancer treatment and for life. 14
    Dr. Nikhil Munshi. Multiple myeloma expert. Biography. 0
    No doctor should be offended if a patient seeks expert opinion!
    Deep Vein Thrombosis controversies. Treatment of blood clots that are below or above knee
    Hypertension treatment success and failure. Top cardiologist discusses two clinical cases.
    Blood clots below and above the knee. How to treat deep venous thrombosis? 13
    How is DVT diagnosed? How to find blood clots in legs? 12
    Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension therapy with anticoagulants is outdated. 4
    Gene therapy in leukemia. Advanced treatments in hematology. 7
    Causes of blood clots. Deep Venous Thrombosis. 6
    How to find cause of anemia? Two blood tests to diagnose anemia. 5
    Myeloproliferative disorder. Diagnosis and treatment. 4
    Myelodysplastic syndrome. Treatment and prognosis. 3
    Treatment of Hemophilia. Acquired hemophilia therapy. 2
    Treatment of Blood Diseases. Hematology. 1
    Intracerebral Hemorrhage. Treatment and prognosis of brain bleeding. 8
    MGUS and acquired 
von Willibrand syndrome. 12
    Atrial fibrillation in elderly patients. Thrombosis vs. bleeding risk. 7
    Direct oral anticoagulants or vitamin K antagonists? When to use? 6
    Deep vein thrombosis and cancer risk. Heparin and aspirin in DVT. 5
    Blood clots risk and mutations. Do a genetic test or not? 4. [Parts 1 and 2]
    Hemophilia. New treatment options. Emicizumab.
Gene therapy. 3 [Part 1 and 2]
    Von Willebrand disease. New treatment options. MGUS. Acquired VWD. 2
    Chronic liver disease. How to use laboratory tests correctly? 1
vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia and COVID-19 vaccination. 11. [Parts 1 and 2]
    New oral anticoagulants for patients after heart valve surgery? NOACs or coumadin? 4
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