
229 Expert Conversations

    229 Expert Conversations
    10 - 20 senolytics are in clinical trials. Metformin and 
anti-aging drugs. 4
    4 fictions of anti-aging diets. Caloric restriction, genetic background. 4
    7 questions that you must ask in any medical situation.
    Aging is easy to delay but difficult to understand. Is aging adaptive in evolution? 1
    Aldosterone and hypertension. Screen for high aldosterone in hypertension! 3
    Alpha-ketoglutarate and longevity. How to use it with vitamins to slow aging. 9
    Alzheimer's disease and dementia. How to decrease your risk? Eminent immunologist.
    Alzheimer’s disease and aging. Mouse is not a good model. Study humans. 4
    Anti-aging drugs are also active against bacteria and viruses? Rapamycin. 10
    Anti-aging research. Most laboratory animals are ‘failures at aging’. 1
    Arthritis in children. FAQ. Nutrition in arthritis. Will my child outgrow arthritis? 15
    Autologous stem cell transplantation in multiple myeloma. 6
    Body size and longevity. Same species: smaller body size - longer life. 2
    Breast cancer hormone therapy. Tamoxifen vs. Anastrozole? 3
    Breast cancer hormone therapy. 5 or 10 years for Aromatase inhibitors? Estrogens promote breast cancer. 6
    Breast cancer hormone therapy. How to choose aromatase inhibitors? 8
    Breast cancer hormone therapy. LHRH agonists or bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (BSO)? 9
    Breast cancer hormone therapy. LHRH agonists. Tamoxifen. SERDs. Aromatase inhibitors. SERMs. 4
    Breast cancer hormone therapy. Opposing progestins to prevent or treat breast cancer? 7
    Breast cancer treatment. How to select neoadjuvant and adjuvant chemotherapy? 10
    Can fatty liver disease be reversed? NAFLD and NASH treatment. 4
    Can you reverse cellular senescence? Can we reverse aging? 3
    Cancer surgery failures and challenges. Ovarian cancer. Eminent cancer surgeon.
    Career lessons: 'Learn about disease well and stick to your guns’. Dialysis - early or not? 20
    Castleman Disease. Subtypes and treatment options. 10
    Cesarean section or vaginal delivery? Egg freezing. Male Infertility.
    Chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy in multiple myeloma. CAR T-cell immunotherapy. 8
    Chinese. 7 questions that you must ask in any medical situation.
    Classic or ‘new’ thiazide diuretics for hypertension? How to choose? 7
    Clinical case story. 75 y.o. nurse with scoliosis. Neck trauma in college athlete friend of Dr. Fessler. 15
    Clinical case. Examine urine sediment under microscope. Important diagnostic test. 19
    Coffee reduces risks of liver disease. Coffee and NAFLD prevention. 13
    COVID-19 and non-specific actions of vaccines: BCG, poliomyelitis, MMR. 7
    COVID-19 clinical trials: remdesivir, interferon. 
How to understand? 3
    COVID-19 pandemic was an amplifier of good and bad.” Integrity in 
clinical trials. 12
    COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials: expert reviews hopes, risks, and approaches. 6
    Cytokine storm risk in hospitalized patients with fever. Occam's razor (a diagnostic principle). 9
    Cytokine storm treatment. Part 1. Causes:
 Covid-19. CAR T-cell therapy. 4
    Cytokine storm treatment. Part 2. JAK inhibitors. Corticosteroids. 5
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