Lung cancer treatment. How to find best doctor? 4

Lung cancer treatment. How to find best doctor? 4

Lung cancer treatment. How to find best doctor? 4

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Get a second or third medical opinion if you have a life-changing diagnosis. Every surgeon has their own opinion. It’s not something constant. Leading cancer surgeon explains how to get the best treatment in lung cancer and other life quality-changing diseases. Dr. Anton Titov, MD. You cured my mother from Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma (BAC) lung tumor. And the lung Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma (BAC) tumor situation was very interesting. Some very experienced doctors in lung tumors said this. "Elderly woman, not many options". You recognized that there was an opportunity for lung tumor Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma surgery. We could do curative surgery for Lepidic growth adenocarcinoma. Surgery would be without any requirements for radiotherapy or subsequent chemotherapy. Many people with Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma lung cancer are in similar situation around the world. It took us a very deep medical literature search for Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma. Dr. Anton Titov, MD. We did global professional network research to find an expert for Lepidic growth adenocarcinoma. You are really focused on Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma lung tumor. What would you recommend to patients and their families? Dr. Anton Titov, MD. How they can find the best experts for the Lepidic growth adenocarcinoma? Dr. Michael Lanuti, MD. Well I imagine Lepidic growth adenocarcinoma treatment is country specific. But I can speak to the US, Maybe you can translate. So in the US, the major medical centers are usually University-based. Big University hospitals have more experts in fields. And experts tend to have niches. Some experts focus on just lung cancer or just esophageal cancer. And so in general you'll find lung cancer experts at the larger medical institutions. The caveat is that you want someone who does lung cancer therapy every day and knows all the nuances. Dr. Anton Titov, MD. And so how do you figure that out? I think it's by the sheer volume of the institution. How many patients with lung cancer experts see. Sometimes lung cancer experts only seeing a 100 lung cancer patients a year. That's not enough. Dr. Michael Lanuti, MD. Sometimes surgeons see over a 1,000 lung caner patients a year. I think that would give a patient confidence. You're dealing with the medical and surgical cancer therapy team that is competent. Surgeons are different all over the world. I think well-trained surgeons can be found everywhere in the world. And surgeons have their own judgment. Judgement of surgeon is something that's not constant. So Sometimes a patient who is 84 years old presents with lung cancer to one surgeon. The same patient then presents to a second surgeon. Both of these cancer surgeons might have different opinions. They may think the patients are candidates for surgery. You're looking for someone who has the a range of experience across all ages of patients. You are still going to get best cancer treatment in larger universities. You could always Google people and see the surgeon’s reputations. Google is not in every country particularly. It’s not in China. And so other web-based searches can help. I think that's one part of looking for medical expert to treat cancer. I think you have to go beyond that. A network of people helps, of course. And something like this Diagnostic Detective Network project might help as well. Perhaps it speaks to the value in many situations of medical second opinion or expert opinion. Because the judgement of any particular surgeon could be different. Dr. Michael Lanuti, MD. And in life-dependent decisions one has to weigh different treatment options and understand them better. Dr. Anton Titov, MD. I think that you've articulated a very important point. Sometimes there is an important life decision for someone. To get a second opinion doesn't hurt you. Traveling for a medical second opinion sometimes might help you. You've brought up a very good point of being comfortable with your team. You need to consider a second or sometimes third opinion. Not only medical second opinion, but the third opinion. And however many it takes. Dr. Michael Lanuti, MD. Correct. Dr. Anton Titov, MD. And it was certainly true in our situation. Correct.

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