Secondary infertility. Causes and treatment. 3

Secondary infertility. Causes and treatment. 3

Secondary infertility. Causes and treatment. 3

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When years pass after birth of a child, a woman may encounter problems to become pregnant again. This is secondary infertility. What causes secondary infertility? How to treat secondary infertility?

Secondary infertility causes and treatment depend on which partner has the fertility problem. Dr. Anton Titov, MD. Secondary Infertility. Dr. Heather Huddleston, MD. Evaluation and Treatment starts with spermogram in the male partner and ultrasound evaluation of female partner. Secondary infertility causes and treatment is reviewed by leading fertility expert from California. Anatomical changes in uterus are common Causes and Treatments of Secondary Infertility. Secondary infertility treatment options require medical second opinion from leading fertility specialist. Secondary infertility causes and treatment are important to follow early with expert. Treatments include removal of uterine fibroids, in vitro fertilization, and ICSI. Secondary infertility definition is infertility after one successful pregnancy. Uterine fibroids are a common anatomical change that causes secondary infertility. Women trying to conceive should get medical second opinion from leading expert in reproductive medicine. Dr. Heather Huddleston, MD. Video interview with leading expert in fertility treatment and reproductive medicine. Medical second opinion confirms that secondary infertility diagnosis is correct and complete. Medical second opinion also confirms that therapy for secondary infertility is required. Secondary infertility causes identification and treatment help a couple to have a thriving family. Medical second opinion helps to choose the best treatment for secondary infertility. Get medical second opinion on secondary infertility and be confident that your treatment is the best.Online medical second opinion on infertility. 1234 Dr. Anton Titov, MD. It's not uncommon situation when a woman will have a child in her mid-20s. Then ten or even fifteen years will pass. The first pregnancy happened without any problems, the conception happened quite quickly. But the couple has difficulties initiating a second pregnancy. Dr. Anton Titov, MD. I have seen that a couple of times. What could be the cause of problems to conceive second pregnancy after 10 or 15 years after the first pregnancy? Online medical second opinion on infertility. 1234 (Reproductive Medicine Fertility specialist, UCSF). Dr. Heather Huddleston, MD. So this situation can be very common. It's something that we see. It's called secondary infertility. I would say that the most common cause of secondary infertility is that simply time has elapsed. Now the female partner in the couple is older. Those 10 or 15 years is really critical in terms of pushing the woman from being at the most fertile time of her life to a time when her fertility is in decline. Again that decline in fertility that we see with age is really related to problems that accumulate in the eggs. So that's the most common underlying factor that I would expect is going on in secondary infertility situation. But other things can also contribute to secondary infertility. It may be that over that ten-year period of time something in the female anatomy has changed. So we know that some women develop fibroids at this point in their life. Fibroids are benign tumors in uterus. Dr. Heather Huddleston, MD. But they can make implantation difficult if they are quite large. There could have been a change and the male side of the equation. Either a different partner or something has changed in the sperm quality. Even difficulties that maybe arose in the delivery at the first child could be a cause of secondary infertility. Perhaps there was an infection in the uterus and scar tissue has formed. So, there can be a variety of things that will accumulate over time. Fortunately we are quite optimistic in treatment of secondary infertility in a couple. Because we know that they can conceive a child. They have conceived in the past. Dr. Anton Titov, MD. So it's our general belief that if we are persistent in treatment, they would have very good chances. Dr. Heather Huddleston, MD. Secondary infertility causes and treatment. Uterine anatomy changes, tubal blockage in female. Decreasing sperm counts in a male cause secondary infertility.

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